Sunday, October 17, 2010

Design Progression

Week 12 was spent practising animations of the cityscape, using the target and free cameras in 3ds max. We also toned down the colouring of the city and Barangaroo, to bring our hotel island back as the focal point of the scheme. The new building colours reflect the 5 programming categories, and the existing city of Sydney is shown in white, with the new white lattice inhabitable bridges weaving from the precinct back into the city. We also managed to bring two existing models of the city together in max, to build a more comprehensive view of the city (Harbour Bridge AND Anzac Bridge).

Even with the new building colours set to matte materials and pale shades of the original 5 colours, the precinct still beams with vivid technicolour! The plans show the gradual bleed of colour from our hotel island, through the Barangaroo Precinct into the city. Most of the renders are city views, so this week we will render some closer views and finalise the animated pans of the city for the final presentation. We have also come up with an unusual presenting technique and are looking forward to the dramatic setting we hope to achieve, in conjunction with our existing lion/zebra metaphor. We have also come up with some names of people who might be interested in attending our presentation; Elizabeth Farrelly, an independent journalist who has written about the Barangaroo site, Lendlease representativies, Architecture Review or Architecture Australia representatives, and some of the digital media staff here at the university.

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