Friday, April 30, 2010

Reflection/Brainstorm -

Our initial experimentation can be seen to be a free exploration of form generation. The combination of digital form generation as a stimulus for a physical model output, we chose to explore the haptic exploration of modeling.

Through our experimentation we have explored modeling as:

Container; a hollow mass, essentially a facade construct. This provided little explanation of internal layout but rather the exploration of faceted geometry to create unique form.

Stacking; skeletal models, dealing with the practicality of structure. Laser modeling enabled us to explore the intricacy of structure resolution. By massing within Revit and converting our buildings into laser cut planes, models became a exploration of strengthening connections and stability.

Modular: creation exploration, through the laser cutting of set shapes we were able to rapidly explore form in the physical setting. The shapes implicated limitations of our forms but as a result the forms provided a syntax of pattern and rhythm, generated from their components.

These explorations represent to exhaustion of physical modeling. And has left us asking ourselves what are other stimulants that will enable us to generate new forms of a more rigorous composition? And thus bring us closer to the realisation of a flexible Architecture.

Taking the precedence of the seattle library as a precedence it can be seen that the form is generated from a direct interpretation of creative programming arrangement.

This has lead to our investigation into experiment 1. What makes a building program and how does that programming generate or influenced by the building form?

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